Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A new adventure has just began ;) Its always nice to be a part of a valuable opportunity :) The month of August has been full of surprises! It all started off with a grand new day in a leading business school :D People with various cultural differences,opinions and views are a part of it.It was a smooth start for the month ;)

The official day took me some time to get adjusted to the environment although it wasn't new to me.Classes began..The first class was a subject that was Greek and Latin to me :P It was Business Financial Accounting! Well,it wasn't that bad really :) I usually enjoy learning new stuffs :)
The marketing class was too boring that I almost slept off :| By the end of the day I felt like I'm carrying a heavy object on my head :| A bad headache! A really really bad headache!
Life is nothing without "FRIENDS". I feel so glad that I am blessed with friends as mischievous,funny and naughty like me!! :p I really missed my college buddies, but these people are exactly the same kind of my college peeps.It took me back to my sweet memories of what I did in the past.

Interaction playing an important role in business schools,the students wanted to know about each other.BUT,The funny thing is it wasn't necessary apart from being professionals. Interacting is good but too much of anything might mislead our way :) 

I came to know about a blooming love story which has already begun before classes could start but I guess its almost ended by now.Maybe,sometimes they aren't meant for each other.The girl was quite serious about it but the guy,he's unpredictable.We never know a true person's self.An untold story might be hiding behind their masks.

A Surprise outing on Day 4!
 The very first outing with my new peeps was really fun!! It was unexpected and full of surprises :O Never to forget the pizza and Ghostbusters!

The so called "interaction lunch"
  All the students were invited to be a part of the Lunch next day in a nice restaurant,but unfortunately only the "Interactivists" took part in it.

Colleague's Marriage

              A Successful love story has newly started its journey in marriage :) I feel this is a motivation to hold on to your loved ones no matter what the hindrances are!

The week finally came to an end and so did my secret life!! :P

Friday, July 22, 2016

The real KIng๐Ÿ‘‘

Stay strong!

When you actually provide the source of creating something and the outcome of that creation is prepared in such a way like you aren't even a part of it... what should be my reaction??? Angry or sad or upset? Can everything be brought back to its original state after saying sorry?  No! Not at all 😑

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘ธThe start to a princess life๐Ÿ‘ธ ๐Ÿ’–

Hey people!!

   This is me Benita! A common little girl๐Ÿ˜‹ who always lives a princess life in her own way๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ธ. I think being a princess doesn't mean you should one among the royal bloods and live in castles and wear beautiful gowns๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ No! It's not about luxury. A beautiful princess portraits herself with a smile and is always happy being herself. The first step to be a princess is accepting who you really are๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡ .